Cigar Blog 101

Cigars and cigar aficionados discuss their favorite cigars, humidors, cigar accessories and more.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Al Remp- A Cigar Man’s History part 2

Upon my departure from 25 years of education in the industry - Stanford Newman at the J.C. Newman Co. in Tampa saw potential in me as his national sales manager to rebuild the outside sales organization. Under his direction and great assistance from Erik and Bobby, his sons, that mission was accomplished.

If ever the opportunity presents itself- read Mr. Newman’s story- there he tells of the “first sales meeting- ever” and the personal cost, and that it worked.

During that period, an old friend- Hank Bass was building a cigarette company- and the owner, P.T. Sampoerna, had an interest in cigars.

I was hired as Senior V.P. manufacturing and sales- a new world of cigar brand inception and development of product was my assignment. It was at this juncture I met Pedro Martine- my teacher, mentor and friend. I learned a different world- that of brand creation from idea to blending, to logos, to trademarks, to ordering and on and on- that to this day- allowed me to grow beyond my wildest dreams. During this time Ralph Montero, a brilliant individual, assisted me daily. Now came time to select a manufacturer in the Dominican Republic- and enters Henky Kelner- whom I shall remember for teaching this “gringo” all that I know over and with Pedro Martine- not as a student but as a friend.

Next- Brands- Sales- Travel-People-Life-Latins-and pure joy.


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