Cigar Blog 101

Cigars and cigar aficionados discuss their favorite cigars, humidors, cigar accessories and more.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Trying different cigars

You have arrived at a decision, that brand “x” has that great pleasure, each cigar, each box, and a certain shape are all perfect for your taste.

You buy a box and store brand “x” in a humidor to maintain the freshness. Then a friend comments on your selection and tempts you to examine- “other cigars”, even though you are set knowing you have a favorite brand. Your friend says-“you must try this cigar.”

The four components will be your guide, plus your brand will be the ultimate test, by comparison.Try not to look at appearance. Try not to clip and taste. Try not to comment on aroma or a listen to a comment by a nearby person on the aroma. Try not to test for construction as to hard or to soft. You will do all four without thinking and we hope that we have brought this to your attention as a guide.

Note the comments conversations, surrounding a cigar. I know other consumable products have similar actions, but the cigar smoker is a friend indeed. They enjoy the discussion.

By Al Remp, product specialist and trainer, Thompson Cigar.

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