Coffee and Cigars - A Natural Combination
The natural stimulation, albeit Cigars and Coffee or Coffee and Cigars, is one of life's great pleasures.
Certainly a fine coffee consumed at the beginning of the day helps awaken the taste palate. Coupled with a mild cigar, a must for early morning enjoyment, coffee is the beverage of choice.
In the cigar making process, when a new cigar is being blended, coffee is always available to the tester to enhance the tobacco taste. This is the ultimate compliment to both products.
Visit Cafe Belmondo's coffee selections and premium offers. Cafe Belmondo is a sister company to Thompson Cigar.
By Al Remp, product specialist and trainer, Thompson Cigar.
Cigars, Thompson Cigar, Coffee, Cafe Belmondo
At 8:23 PM, Anonymous said…
What about Brandy? A friend of mine suggested I dip the tip in Brandy as I smoke my favorite stogie.
I've never tied Brandy and don't want to ruin a perfectly good C.A.O. MX2.
St. Louis
At 9:22 AM, Cigar Blog Moderator said…
Al's Response:
Dipping the head of a cigar will only change the immediate taste on your lips.
It will not enhance the blend that a manufacturer developed for a specific brand, i.e., the MX2 - your favorite.
If you are seeking a taste other than tobacco, you may consider one of the many flavored cigars now available - rum may be a choice.
At 10:37 AM, Anonymous said…
Dipping the cigar in brandy is a very old school technique. Mostly done as a quick way to moisterize a cigar. Back in the day, humidification technology wasn't what it is today and cigars were known to be on the dry side. So folks would dip them in their brandy (or other liquor) for a quick infuse of moisture.
At 7:23 PM, Nels Cross said…
Coffee has always been my beverage of choice with a cigar. Other than Goslings Black Label Rum over ice, I have not found much that tastes good on the pallette with a cigar.
At 8:51 PM, Tony said…
Cigars and coffee go hand and hand. Good blog check out mine.
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