Cigar Blog Special - Humidor Plus 25 Premium Cigars - $89

Promotion reviewed by Corona Chris:
This month I was approached by the moderator of Cigar Blog 101 to review a new humidor model coming in. I told him lets do one better by giving the readers of the blog the opportunity to receive the best humidor combo deal we sell. It's the same humidor that has out sold any other humidor in the last year and we've held inventory just for this Cigar Blog promotion.
Ok here is the deal: We have put together the 25 premium cigars, which retail for $120.00 into a limited quantity promotion. You will receive 5 Hoyo de Monterey 1066 (Rated 91), 5 C.A.O. Gold (Rated 90), 5 La Gloria Cubana (Rated 92), 5 Indian Tabac (Rated 89), and 5 La Perla Habana (Rated 91). Plus we are adding our Cherry Wood humidor, which can hold 50 cigars and retails for $40.00 for FREE! This combo should retail for $160.00, but for a limited time you can get our best selling humidor promotion for $89.00!
Click on the link below to view this combo in full detail. The South of the Border “E” Combo’s inventory will go quick, so take advantage of this deal before it is on backorder again!
Buy Now >>
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Cigar Reviews, Cigars, Thompson Cigar, Humidor