The World Of Gurkha: $24.95

Gurkha continues to be one of the hottest brands year after year. The demand for Gurkha has never been higher than it is now. We wanted to come out with a selection of five Gurkha Churchill blends that would excite every cigar smoker. Gurkha sells some of the most expensive cigars in the world, and backs them up with rare vintage tobaccos that could only be supplied by the Torano family. For example, Gurkha came out with His Majesty’s Reserve blend at $750 per cigar! If you have never tried a super premium cigar, or want to expand your past Gurkha experiences into new Gurkha blends, here is your chance. This five pack line up will not last long, so take advantage of this amazing selection: 1 Gurkha Grand Reserve Connecticut, 1 Gurkha Masterblend, 1 Gurkha Master Select, 1 Gurkha Legend Vulcan, and 1 Gurkha Regent. Sorry, no Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve in this selection. This is normally a $75 five pack, so save 67% and pick up as many super premium Gurkhas you would like. Keep in mind that many of the Gurkha blends use vintage tobacco, and certain blends may not ever be made again.
Click Here To Order Our Gurkha Churchill Assortment For $24.95!
Click Here To Order Our Gurkha Churchill Assortment For $24.95!
Product Review by Corona Chris, Thompson Cigar product specialist
Labels: Carlos Torano, cigar blog special, Corona Chris, Gurkha