Cigar Blog 101

Cigars and cigar aficionados discuss their favorite cigars, humidors, cigar accessories and more.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Thompson Cigar Blog

Checkout the new Thompson Cigar blog for the latest & greatest news on cigars.
New Blog

Best Dog Walking Cigar

A friend of mine always has a clever way to critique his cigars. The other day he commented that his favorite "dog walking cigar" is the Acid Blondie. Who knew there is a perfect dog walking cigar?!? Well, it's my assumption there is a perfect cigar for every little thing we do each day!

Smoke 'Um if you got um!

Stan the cigar man.
Cigars that come in metal tubes will retain their moisture for a month or two. It is best to keep them in your humidor! Cheers, Al
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