Cigar Blog 101

Cigars and cigar aficionados discuss their favorite cigars, humidors, cigar accessories and more.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Something is Happening

Has anyone noticed some subtle positives for cigars, appearing in product advertising of some publications, geared to men, with someone in the advertisement, holding a cigar?

What great news! Very simple; always in an elegant setting.

Many years ago cigars, such as Tiparillos or Edie Adams featuring Air Tip, were common, always shown, in good taste.

If your local tobacconist has a window(s), perhaps a men’s store would consider showing their product in that window. It carries a dual message of elegance.

What we are saying to “lovers of the leaf” is cigars are a life-style and a complement to any surroundings.

Tell us if you too have noticed “cigars” in life-style publications, we're very curious.

By Al Remp, product specialist and trainer, Thompson Cigar.


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